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Female Faith-Based Entrepreneurs 
Guided by Faith, Driven by Purpose

FFBE is an exclusive membership Alliance of Faith-Driven Women who regard their values and beliefs as an integral part of who they are and how they conduct business. Membership is designed to strengthen your faith and enhance your
entrepreneurial spirit. It offers initiatives that support your calling, collaborations that help you to grow and mentorship that empowers you to live a purposeful and mission-driven life.

Publications, Radio & Appearances.

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Membership is Exclusive

We are thrilled to invite you to apply for our exclusive Membership, To ensure our community remains supportive and aligned with our core values, we require prospective members to complete an enrollment form. This process helps us maintain a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive and collaborate meaningfully. 

You will be notified of your acceptance within 1-2 days after submitting your enrollment form.
We look forward to welcoming you into our community of inspiring and dedicated women!

What to Expect.

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Build Relationships

The essence of membership is developing strong relationships with people who are genuinely committed to helping each other grow. Each member is an extension of your business. You have something amazing to offer the world and someone equally amazing wants to connect with you. 

Faith-Based Principles.
Code of Ethics &
Faith-Life Balance. 

At FFBE we believe in fostering a supportive and empowering community that lives by God’s moral law and Commandments. This commitment enables us to maintain a safe, nurturing, and uplifting environment that contributes to the betterment of our members, the people we serve and the world around us.  

Level-up Your Skills
The Passion Academy

Unlock the Power of your Potential and set a new course with signature programs, workshops and mentorship sessions that elevate your game. Join circles that resonate with your business and spiritual walk and get the opportunity to become one of our Premier Support Partners.

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Networking & Referrals 

You will be welcomed in our online environment called "The VIP Lounge". Network with like-minded professionals who will encourage you, hold you accountable and celebrate your accomplishments. This is a safe space to collaborate, meet and greet and feel at home. 

Your Success Feeds My Soul.

The Real Mashup &
Kultured Products. 

I am beyond grateful for the profound impact that Charmaine has had on my professional growth and personal development.

Her unique insight into navigating life as a faith-based woman, and the relationships with both oneself and others, has been truly instrumental in helping me clarify my purpose and to understand my "why."

Her ability to seamlessly blend professionalism, compassion, and an authentic personality creates a safe and empowering space for self-discovery and growth.

Through her guidance, I have been able to peel back the layers of who I am and boldly unearth the potential that lies within me. I am endlessly grateful for her mentorship and support, and I can confidently say that she is one of the best at what she does.

Thank you, Charmaine, for being a guiding light on my journey towards self-discovery, fulfillment and being an instrument of inspiration to others

Alicia B. Jones
Hair Specialist   

Charmaine has helped me to become more accountable to the goals I have for myself and has provided me with service offerings to elevate my business as well as the tools and resources to make it happen. She has also helped me find unique ways to use my skills to support the community around me. I value her expertise which is always seasoned with faith.

Britney St. Louis 
The Kings Printery    

Meeting Charmaine Denton has been nothing short of transformative for me in every aspect of my life. As we delved into remodeling my online faith-based business called “The King’s Printery”, she unexpectedly revealed a new venture that God had impressed upon her heart to share with me: "The King’s Pathway".

After months of prayerful consideration and meticulous planning, I finally launched "The King’s Pathway" YouTube channel in April 2024.
But Charmaine’s impact didn’t stop there. Under her mentorship, I’ve not only learned practical business strategies but also gained a new perspective on blending business and ministry, viewing them through a lens of purpose and divine calling.
Charmaine Denton has been a beacon of light, guiding me towards fulfilling my spiritual and professional potential.

My personal, spiritual, and professional life has been profoundly impacted by her wisdom, and I am forever grateful for her presence in my journey. 

Carol Roberts
Business Consultant

I have had the privilege of calling Charmaine a friend and peer-to-peer mentor over many years. The Bible says in Proverbs 27:12 that "Iron sharpens Iron, so a friend sharpens a friend". Charmaine has added valuable insights and provided Godly Wisdom and perspective through many of my decision-making processes. Her encouraging mentorship, in-depth business acumen and spiritual maturity have added to my well-being and have fueled me to pursue my exploits and service offerings. I thank God for you Charmaine.

Marcia Forrest
Rejection Specialist

I am deeply grateful for the invaluable support and guidance Charmaine provided me throughout my journey of publishing my book and establishing my brand. Her expertise, dedication, and unwavering commitment to excellence were instrumental in bringing my vision to life and elevating my work to new heights.

Charmaine's genuine passion for my success is truly inspiring. She wholeheartedly embraces my vision and sees things in me I did not see in myself.  I came with one book but published two books. Charmaine exceeded my expectations, encouraging me at every junction, and calming my fears and anxieties. It is so refreshing to have someone who speaks the truth in love while building my confidence. I am truly indebted to her. Thanks for all you do and for allowing me to claim my calling.

Joan Clayton 
Lifestyle Brand

I was at a point in my life where I needed a change, as a creative person I decided to start my own candle business. The first thing I did was reach out to Charmaine, she not only made me believe in myself and my potential, but she introduced me to the resources I needed from A-Z.

Charmaine cares about my business as if it were her own and I feel lucky to have her join me on my journey. Everyone needs someone like her in their life, even if you are a well-established business, you will still benefit from faith-based mentorship that takes you out of the corners we sometimes find ourselves in.

If you are looking for the right person to help you navigate your business or your ideas and you are not sure where to start, you cannot go wrong with Charmaine. When you read my testimony or others, you may be tempted to ask “Is she for real” and the answer is yes, she is that, Lady.  

Denise Robinson
Personalized Faith-Based Items.

Charmaine has a gift for seeing in you what others cannot; she discovered the core of my passion and transformed my vision into a solid action plan, She provided me with the confidence I needed to go on my entrepreneurial adventure of creating cultural and personalized goods because I knew I'd have help along the way.  I can't thank her enough.

Membership FAQ's

No, you do not have to already be an entrepreneur to join. This membership is open to women at all stages of their entrepreneurial journey, whether you are just starting, in the process of launching your business, supporting a side hustle or already have an established business. The focus is on providing support and guidance to help you grow both personally and professionally, regardless of your current business status.

Membership is rooted in Christian values, women of all Christian faiths are welcome to join as long as they respect and adhere to the code of ethics and the values of the community.

Members are expected to adhere to the code of ethics, actively participate in the community, and contribute positively to the growth of membership. 

Yes, there is a fee for membership. Our membership tiers offer different levels of access and benefits, each with its own associated fee. We believe that the value and support provided by the membership far exceed the cost, and we offer various payment options to make it accessible to as many women as possible.  

Faith is infused through various means, including prayer groups, inspirational content, ethical business practices based on moral laws, and mentorship for maintaining a work-life balance in alignment with faith values.

Members can participate in virtual or in-person events such as workshops, networking sessions, guest speaker events, and retreats focused on both faith and business growth.

About Charmaine.

I am dedicated to helping women claim their calling and actively bring it to life. I find pure joy in unlocking the power of one’s potential and crafting key offerings that resonate with that calling. Your passion is my passion. My goal is to support and empower you in achieving yours.

Your Passion, My Mission.

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